profile picture of Thao Uyen Chau

Hi, my name is Thao. I am a visual designer and digital media artist.

💡 I consistently approach things from a unique perspective to unveil their hidden facets, crafting fresh narratives in my artistic endeavors. Opting for the digital medium aligns with my passion for being part of an innovative team shaping and enhancing the digital realm. This medium gives me the versatility to harmonize artistic and realistic elements, enabling me to create both entertaining works and beneficial products.

🌟 I graduated with a BFA degree in Digital Media Art at San Jose State University. After a few years working as a visual designer at Grab, Southeast Asia's leading superapp, and Tiki Corporation, a pioneer B2C e-commerce company in Vietnam, I pursued further education to fortify my expertise in the digital media field to learn about concept, 3D modeling, web design, and virtual environment development. My goal is to actively contribute to the evolving landscape of technology in the future.

My works were chosen to be displayed at San Jose State University, and one of my works won the Presidents Art Award at Diablo Valley College and was bought by the school to display in their permanent art collection.

🖥 I enjoy the creative process which includes conceptualizing, researching, sketching, and finally executing and implementating through software programs.

🧁 I love playing board games with family and friends and doing woodblock printing when I have a lot of free time. You can check out some of my prints HERE